Last year my roommate and I had a total of maybe 5 ornaments on our tree and used an old flannel shirt as our tree skirt. It was a very “Portland” Christmas to say the least, but I thought I would step it up this year and get a REAL tree skirt! I looked online and was completely shocked at the cost! For a felt tree skirt the prices ranges anywhere from $14.99 to $89.99!! For a tree skirt?! That your cat will probably shred or piss on or both and that will just get completely covered by presents anyway?!? I don’t think so! Instead I hit the craft store to pick up what I needed to make my own!
Makes a tree skirt 36” in diameter and about 18” out from the base on all sides.
1 ½ yards of felt (for just a little bit more I picked up sparkly felt to give it a bit more!)
Measuring tape
I know I said this is a no-sew project, but if you want to add a few more details like I did, you only need to know how to hand-sew a button on. If you really have no idea.. hop on YouTube and look it up or invest in some super glue!
4-5 old buttons, it’s okay if they don’t match
Jingle bells
(We found that Punk HATES jingle bells so I think this will help keep her away from the tree!)
Snowflake buttons
Christmas light buttons
(1.) Spread your felt out on the floor and measure across both ways to find the center point. For mine I just measured 18 inches across each way and make a dot at the center with your chalk. (2.) Next, hold down the end of the measuring tape at the center dot you just made. Grip the 18 inch mark on the tape with chalk in hand. Slowly move in a circle, keeping the tape pulled tight, and trace out a circle.
(3.) Next draw a line from the center to the edge. (4.) Place a drinking glass directly over center dot (5.) and trace around it. (6.) Cut out your tree skirt, up the line to the center, and the center circle. To remove chalk marks, grab a scrap piece of felt and quickly brush the chalk marks with it.
Now you have a basic tree skirt! Next I sewed on 4 buttons at the edge of one slit, then made incisions on the other side so I can little button up the skirt around the tree.
Then I sewed on jingle bells and other buttons around the edge of the skirt to give it some detail. Again, if you can’t sew, just glue them on! And you’re done!
Not only did you just save yourself $80, but you have something YOU created!
As always.. I had my helper on this project..
Happy Holidays!