I’m thinking that I need to up the Daily Life posts to two or three times a month because things have been changing quickly around here!
We’re about a month into living in the new house now and I can honestly say that it truly feels like home (and as you see above, Punk feels the same). We had our first family dinner here on Sunday and it was really wonderful to have everyone together in this space. I didn’t want a house just to have a house.. I saw it as my place to gather family and friends, entertain, cook, and share our space with them. When you want something for so long, you find yourself in disbelief and overwhelming gratitude when you realize it’s finally happened. I guess this is just my general PSA for you to stop in this moment and to look back at all you’ve accomplished and overcome.
If you follow along on Instagram you may have seen the news I shared earlier in the week..
We have our first farm dog!
Chris and I had just had a conversation about animals, particularly about getting a dog, to which I said, “No way!” At least not right now since we have so many house projects we need to get done. I’m not kidding when I tell you that the very next day I was home on my day off and look out in the backyard to see this big white dog running around. She was super friendly and I figured must be our neighbor’s dog that lives just down the road, but he said she was a stray. She hopped right in my car and we drove around to nearby houses trying to find her owner, but didn’t have any luck. She stayed overnight for two nights in our walkout basement until Chris had a day off to take her into the vet to check for a chip.
Sure enough she was micro-chipped which was disappointing news for us since we had gotten a little bit attached, but good news for her and her family. Chris contacted the owners, but they were out of town until Sunday so we happily agreed to keep her another day. After they showed up and we got to talking, we discovered that we’re neighbors AND I had actually started following their Instagram about a month prior. They run an amazing and inspiring flower farm called Pepper Harrow (go check them out). They said they had been trying to find a new home for Kita, but hadn’t found anyone yet. They offered to let us adopt her and I think we both thought they might have been kidding so I didn’t say yes right away. When we realized they were serious we accepted and went in to tell our family the good news.
Before we knew her name I started calling her Wednesday since she has a fondness for dead things, so we call her Wednesday, Kita, or Cha-Kita Banana. She’s a Great Pyrenees and Black Mouth Cur mix so she’s an amazing guard dog and I already feel safer having her here. She likes to bring us a slightly alarming amount of deer legs, furry hides, deer tails, and skulls. I of course, love her immensely already.
I’ll do my best to share a Daily Life in a few weeks instead of a month from now because who knows what animals we’ll have adopted by then! 😉
For more updates in the moment you can follow along on the Tattooed Martha IG or on my personal page!
Marcia says
IF you look closely at his little mouth in the photo of you two on the couch, he looks like he’s smiling. ☺️
Sasha says
Animal smiles are the best!
Sam Simeone says
Awww, sweet doggie! How is Punk feeling about this new furry sister??
Sasha says
Haha Punk hates her! She’s never liked dogs.. or other cats.. or humans. Hahah
Lisa Dinsmoor says
Congrat’s on your new beautiful furry protector! He’s gorgeous and I’m so happy he found such a wonderful home 🙂